Bad Tasting Weed Edibles? - How To Wash the Taste Out

Bad Tasting Weed Edibles? – How To Wash the Taste Out


Bad Tasting Weed Edibles? You might think to yourself, “I hate the taste of weed”. Well, most people haven’€t had the opportunity to try delicious edibles because unfortunately, many people make edibles that are green, taste gross, and have a gritty texture. Now you learn how to make your weed taste better.

I have found the following technique, which involves washing your cannabutter with water, to be the easiest way to make your bad tasting edibles taste amazing. You should use this technique every time you make cannabutter or oil for the best quality edibles every time.

Why does weed taste so bad?

So why does weed taste so bad? Well, chlorophyll, salts, and other inert properties are usually absorbed into the butter or another type of fat and cause it to taste bad. THC by itself tastes lighter and sweeter than when consuming the whole. By using the following technique you can wash out the bad tasting stuff out of your butter with water.

Because THC isn’€t soluble in water, you don’€t have to worry about losing your edible’€s potency if you maintain the right temperature. But don’€t add water to the butter until after you strain out the weed. Otherwise, you will restrict the THC absorption process and cause more chlorophyll, salts, and other inert properties to be absorbed into the butter.

In order to wash your cannabutter, you kinda need cannabutter. If you don’€t have any, check out our tutorial: How To Make Extremely Potent Cannabutter.

Step 1: Melt Your CannabutterBad Tasting Weed

Melt your cannabutter in a pot on the oven making sure not to exceed 250 degrees, the vaporization point of THC. If it starts boiling, it‒s too hot.

Step 2: Add Water

Add an equal portion of water to the cannabutter and stir for at least 30 seconds to get the garbage material out it.

Step 3: Cool

Cool the cannabutter in the refrigerator until the water has separated from the butter and the butter is solid. Don’t try to rush this by putting it in the freezer. If you do, it will change the consistency and ruin the butter.

Step 4: DrainBad Tasting Weed

After the butter has cooled completely it will be floating on top of the water. Drain the garbage water and you’ll be left with a cleaner better tasting butter than you started with.

No More Bad Tasting Edibles

For even better results, repeat steps 1 – 4 until you’ve reached your desired butter. But don’t do too many wash cycles because you may end up deteriorating the butter and losing potency from continually heating it up.

Let us know how your cannabutter turned out in the comment section below and now that you know how to make your weed taste better, I hope I never hear you say “I hate the taste of weed”.


About Author

Mason is an accredited cannabis aficionado, licensed cannabis retailer, and PhD level guru for all things weed. Originating from California, Mason now lives in Oregon, an amazing place for a cannabis consumer. He consumes cannabis to help him control his insomnia so he can sleep. Mason has grown cannabis, consumed cannabis in many ways, and is an expert joint roller. Mason is here to bring you the best tutorials for anything Cannabis. Whether you are learning how to roll a joint, or looking for the best bongs, we're here to help. Welcome to Cannabis Tutorials, we hope you have a green day:)


  1. Fuck yeah thanks…got gifted some butter…tasted a bit burnt…twice ought to do me. Science!

  2. Just did 3 washes at minimal heat. Added warm water (important) because if you add cold water it will congeal the butter and you won’t be able to separate the solids.
    MUCH better taste and quality than just making the butter and using as is.
    I highly (literally) recommend washing your butters.

    • Just did 3 washes at minimal heat. Added warm water (important) because if you add cold water it will congeal the butter and you won’t be able to separate the solids.
      MUCH better taste and quality than just making the butter and using as is.
      I highly (literally) recommend washing your butters.