The Perfect Cannabutter Ratio - A Weed to Butter Chart

The Perfect Cannabutter Ratio


Getting the right cannabutter ratio is important if you want to make good edibles. Use too little and you won’t get high from your edibles. Use too much weed and you’ll be wasting weed and getting uncomfortably high. Making homemade edibles can be fun, but you don’t really want to mess it up. Luckily it’s kinda hard to mess it up when we give you the correct cannabutter ratio’s to use. 

Cannabutter Ratio

When determining the ideal cannabutter ratio and weed to butter ratio level there are a few things to consider:

    <li”>Edible to cannabutter ratio

  • Weed potency
  • Edible potency
  • Maximum saturation

The maximum saturation only matters if you want to make the most potent cannabutter possible. Check out our 2022 potent cannabutter recipe to learn how to do that.

Edible to Cannabutter Ratio

The first thing you should consider is how much cannabutter you’ll be putting in each individual edible. If I’m making brownies, I’ll typically use a 1/2 cup of butter to make 12 brownies. That’ll give me 48 brownies using a pound of butter.

How much cannabutter does 7g make?

7g’s of weed makes 1lb of cannabutter.

Weed Potency

Next, we should figure out how potent our weed is. If you’re lucky enough to buy it from a dispensary, they’ll typically be able to supply you with this information. Otherwise, you can buy a weed potency test on Amazon for around $30. We always suggest buying from a dispensary to ensure the weed has been tested.

If you don’t have the ability to get your THC percentages, the averages are:

  • Bud: 10 – 20%
  • Shake: 5 – 15%
  • Stems: 5 – 10%
  • ABV (Already Been Vaped): 2-7%

Edible Potency

Now we should determine how strong we want each edible to be. This is going to vary from person to person depending on their tolerance. These are the generally recommended dosages:

  • New Users: 2.5mg THC
  • Average Users: 10mg THC
  • Moderately Heavy Users: 40mg
  • Heavy Users: 100mg

As a comparison, 10mg of THC is about the same as smoking an averaged sized joint or .7g of bud. Unless you’re a really heavy user, we suggest avoiding the 100mg edibles. Many people will feel anxiety and paranoia at this level of THC if they are not truly.a heavy user.

How Much THC can butter hold?

You can only saturate butter with so much THC. If you use more weed than the maximum saturation, you’re wasting it. Yes, like actually wasting it. The butter simply can NOT absorb more THC. However, butter’s maximum saturation point is so high that you’ll almost never reach it.

Maximum Saturation of Cannabutter

At 11 grams of THC per stick of butter, you’d need almost 6 ounces of 15% bud to oversaturate a pound of butter! So go ahead and load your butter with lots of weed.

Determining Our Cannabutter Ratio

Now that we know how much butter is in each edible, how potent our weed is, and how potent we want it to be we can determine the ideal cannabutter ratio and weed to butter ratio level. Simply multiply the edible potency by the number of edibles then divide by the weed potency.

How much weed for 1 stick of butter?

You need 1.5 grams of weed for 1 stick of butter.

Cannabutter Ratio Calculator

So if I want to make 48, 10mg brownies with a pound of butter and 15% THC bud I would multiply 10 x 48 then divide by 0.15. Then multiply by 100 to get grams instead of mg.

Provided I had a perfect THC extraction with my cannabutter recipe, I would need 6.4 grams of weed which is just under a quarter ounce, which is what I use. And if you want to know, “How much cannabutter can i make with 7 grams,” then look here:

Here are some more Cannabutter FAQ’s:

How much weed for 1 pound of butter?

  • 7 Grams of Weed for 1 Pound of Butter

How much weed for 1 stick of butter?

  • 1.5 Grams of Weed for 1 Stick of Butter

How much THC can one stick of butter absorb?

  • 1.5 Grams of 15% Weed

For more recipes using the perfect weed to butter ratio level, be sure to get this book. It is by far the best book we’ve read regarding edbiles. 

How Much Cannabutter Does 7g Make

When it comes to making cannabutter, the amount you can yield from 7 grams of cannabis largely depends on the potency of the strain and your desired strength for the final product. As a general guideline, a standard ratio is 1 ounce (approximately 28 grams) of cannabis to 1 pound (around 454 grams) of butter. If you’re working with 7 grams, you can calculate the amount of butter needed proportionally. In this case, you would use about 1/4 pound (approximately 113.5 grams) of butter. Keep in mind that individual preferences for potency may vary, so you can adjust the amount of cannabis accordingly. Additionally, it’s crucial to decarboxylate the cannabis before infusing it into the butter to activate its psychoactive properties effectively. This ensures that your homemade cannabutter achieves the desired potency for your culinary creations.


About Author

Mason is an accredited cannabis aficionado, licensed cannabis retailer, and PhD level guru for all things weed. Originating from California, Mason now lives in Oregon, an amazing place for a cannabis consumer. He consumes cannabis to help him control his insomnia so he can sleep. Mason has grown cannabis, consumed cannabis in many ways, and is an expert joint roller. Mason is here to bring you the best tutorials for anything Cannabis. Whether you are learning how to roll a joint, or looking for the best bongs, we're here to help. Welcome to Cannabis Tutorials, we hope you have a green day:)


    • thank you,
      I am trying to figure this out for my wife who has cancer. Been trying to determine the correct dose if I use a one cup of shake to one cup of butter which equals what dose? Sorry I just don’t understand the rambling nature of this community

  1. Where is the extra 20% on the end of your equation coming from? What does that 20% represent? I followed everything up until that point. Could you please explain. Thanks.

  2. This is just bad fake math. A half oz or more per the stick of butter if possible, and I wont make a batch of oil or butter unless I have at least a quarter pound of flower or more for my edibles. Crockpots are great btw.


      One ounce per pound of butter should yield 3 sticks butter fat with anywhere from 2800mg thc at 10%thc flower , thus , 20% thc flower will yield 5600mg thc in approx 3 sticks butter fat at 205°F 3 hr on stove add a stick of butter to start , 5 sticks I end up with 4 sticks

  3. The formula is wrong.. 48x10mg=480mg (result is the total amount of THC for 48 cookies.
    With a 15% THC strength level you need 480mg/0.15=3200mg and that equals 3.2g!
    To get grams instead of milligrams you don’t multiply by 100 – you divide it by 1000!
    Someone doesn’t seem to know too much math..
    But now consider that one typical dose is 5 to 10 mg THC, but the daily total could easily be up to 100 mg THC. I don’t want to eat so many cookies, so I normally make cannabutter i. e. some 150g. To get this I need about 200g butter and 5g 20% weed. Only 80% of the butter is fat, which is why 200g butter. In the end I will have 150g cannabutter, which gives me some 10-15 doses. Instead of baking anything, I let the 10-15g dose to melt in hot chocolate. Great creamy taste, even if the chocolate is made using skimmed milk

  4. Charlotte Andrew on

    That doesnt sound right at all. I usually do at least an ounce of decarbed bud per pound of butter/coconut oil. Makes a pretty potent butter. I use 1/4 pound of bud butter per batch of brownies(cut into 8 pieces)

  5. Three grams of most cannabis isn’t enough to make a potent butter, which is how I make brownies or any baked cannabis goods. I use about half oz. of trim plus some buds to make a pound of canna butter. Most recipes for brownies only call for a half cup of butter, so you can freeze the rest.