How to Cook with Marijuana - Cannabis Tutorials

How to Cook with Marijuana


Learning how to cook with marijuana can save you a ton of money from buying retail. We all know that most marijuana, when smoked, leads to almost instantaneous mental highs that alleviate stress and pain. However, when marijuana is eaten, the THC is able to affect more of the body. The effects take longer to kick in (about 30 minutes to over an hour, depending on the strain and individual), but the results are stronger and focused more in the body. It’s great for insomniacs or those who suffer from body pain, making the entire body relax.

Edible Dosage Recommendation

But it’s important to know how much to eat because it does take so long to take effect. If you eat an edible but don’t feel anything in a half hour, most people will end up eating more, and end up eating too much and unable to function as needed. When you purchase edibles from clinics, you never know how strong the dosage is in the treat, so you run into the same problem. That’s why you should learn how to make your own edibles so you can control how much is made in each batch.

How To Make Cannabis Butter

But how do you create yummy, delicious edibles without it tasting like you’re biting into a brick of marijuana? Usually, the simplest solution is to create THC butter.

Why butter? Because marijuana is not soluble in water, but it is soluble in oils, fats, and alcohols. So if you boil some water and marijuana together, you’ll just end up with water and soggy weed. It will only bond with fats, oils, and alcohols, so keep that in mind when you’re cooking.

Butter is pretty simple: you add marijuana (try not to use shake, because it will be hard to strain) to some butter and heat it; the heat will remove the THC from the marijuana and it will bond with the butter. Strain it, and then cool and cook as recipes suggest. However, you end up never knowing how much THC ended up in the butter itself; it can be tricky. Here’s a more detailed recipe: Marijuana Butter Recipe

Eat Cannabis

Another way is to grind marijuana to as fine as possible. If you add a reasonable amount to a moist, doughy recipe of brownies, you should not get that thick “weed-brick” taste (as long as you add extra chocolate powder to the recipe, of course).

About heat and marijuana: according to studies, marijuana does not break down in regular cooking heat, and can sometimes even make the THC potency stronger. That means you never truly know how strong the finished edible will be.


About Author

Mason is an accredited cannabis aficionado, licensed cannabis retailer, and PhD level guru for all things weed. Originating from California, Mason now lives in Oregon, an amazing place for a cannabis consumer. He consumes cannabis to help him control his insomnia so he can sleep. Mason has grown cannabis, consumed cannabis in many ways, and is an expert joint roller. Mason is here to bring you the best tutorials for anything Cannabis. Whether you are learning how to roll a joint, or looking for the best bongs, we're here to help. Welcome to Cannabis Tutorials, we hope you have a green day:)

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